
It can't get much worse.....right?


Can't really sum it up more than that.  I initially started a post about losing my Grandmother which happened on Thursday.  I didn't really give myself time to grieve so I saved the draft to come back to it later.  I took Friday off so I could be in sorrow at home, with my Parents who were already here visiting.  The weekend comes and goes.  Back to routine on Monday.

Monday was supposed to be my last day before holidays until Jan 3rd.  I wasn't too sure about this forced time off and was hoping that the CEO would cover the days off with holiday pay instead of no pay which I could not afford.  I stopped at Mc'Donalds to get breakfast.  I just didn't have the energy to make food this morning, nor the groceries.  I ordered a Egg McMuffin, a peppermint tea (something new) and a muffin.  I was expecting 'real bacon' in my MM but it turns out it's round ham (Or back bacon as my Mom explains).  Yuck.  Not what I was wanting!  The tea was okay but too hot to drink till I got to work.  Ahh yes, work.  I was the third person to arrive.  Not much after, the other office girl showed, along with my 'boss' who wasn't supposed to be at work today. 

The CEO wants to fill me in on the stuff I missed on Friday.  Blah blah blah, "We have to lay you off".  Pardon? We might be able to bring you back...but for now, we can't afford you.

I'll spare you from the whole conversation but today I lost my job.  A job I've had a whole 3 weeks.  A job that I left a very secure job for.  Wow.

Within 15 mins of the conversation, I was out of the front door of the building in shock.  I.  Have.  No.  Job.  I didn't drink the rest of the tea, I deemed it bad luck tea.  I don't think I'll ever get peppermint tea again.

This happened once before but I was young and instead of a new job, I moved to Alberta lol.  Retail was easy back then.

Guess finding parking downtown is no longer an issue.

I get home and I'm numb.  I feel like I'm moving in slow motion.  I've already called my Mom and explained what happened.  I try to sound upbeat, like I have it all under control and I hope that I do.  As soon as I change out of the biz clothes and into the jammies.  I spend the next 4 hours CL'ing, Workopolising and then decide to announce the news on FB in hopes my networking will assist me with finding a new job.  I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of people that comment on the post, and my phone rings non stop with offers of support, referrals and sympathy.  It warmed my heart.

Within 8 hours of learning I was jobless, I was on the phone with a potential employer.  Solid company, small office and semi interesting work.  I need more details but it sounds promising.

I ignored my disaster of a house and went out for dinner with Alice (thanks Alice).  Yummy Legendary Noodle on Main.

So now I am home, trying to summarize the day, organize my world so I can head home to the Island tomorrow and relax (?).  I'm afraid to go (don't want to miss out on an interview opp) but not in a great state to stay.  Mason is with his Dad for a week.  Oh yes, and it's Christmas coming up.  I had forgot.

Bad things happen for a reason.  I do believe that.  But did they ALL have to happen *now*?  A 'divorce', two family deaths and job loss in the same year.  Wow.  I should be tough as nails by now eh?   Oh well, I guess I can just laugh that my life is insane.  But it's mine and I have to make the best of it.  I've got 11 days left of 2010 so hopefully this hell phase will be done with and I can start 2011 off right.


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