
Blog posts November 2010

Bye Bye Baby Flab. A goal reached!

I thought I would come online to update this page and then realized that I hit my goal weight lol.  So as long as I continue to eat healthy, get back on track and start exercising again.  I should be slim and trim for 2011!


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Cleo is in kitty heaven

For those who haven't known me longer than than 8 years, you might be confused by my post tonight.  Cat? What cat?

Yes, I have a cat.  Had a cat.  Here is the story of Cleo the cat.

When I moved into my own apartment back in 1996 (ish?) my boyfriend Dave (at the time) told me that I could get a p…

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Be a *good* person

As a follow-up to my last post which mostly focused on the negative we see in ourselves, I'm now going to flip the switch and change the focus to P*O*S*I*T*I*V*E which is a lot more happy and well received :)

Okay so we've gone over how material possessions are too highly regarded in society and tha…

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Be who you are meant to be, not who everyone *thinks* you should be.

I am about 15 mins passed my bed time but thoughts were swirling around my head, I had to get up and write this.

It started with not feeling well today, a bit sleepy, achy (weird muscle strain in my right arm) which has led to a sore neck (another appt for Holli coming up) and then being in moment o…

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Over the shoulder boulder holder, Osh Kosh and Laudadio

I had a great day!  While everything was planned out, I did manage to get through my to do list and had a lot of fun!

I picked Cindy up at her home on our way to Change the lingerie store she’s been raving about for a year.  I assumed that it was one of those pricey boutique places that had bras fo…

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Lest We Forget.

I really should be at a ceremony or a parade for Mason's 2nd annual Remembrance Day but he is sick and I don't really want to expose him to the elements (or spread his toddler germs).  So we stay inside, watching documentaries and remembering.

There was a story on the news last night about George C…

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Coming out of hiding

It seems that a lot has been going on over the past few months and I've been keeping fairly busy.  However sometimes parts of your life seem to drag out and it feels like you are on auto pilot every day.  As Nine Inch Nails sings it - Everyday is exactly the same

I returned back to work in Mar…

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7 blog posts