
Blog posts November 2009

The Magic Jars

So today is the last day I have instant access to my credit and debit cards.  As you may have read in my previous posts, I am going on a cash only budget!  I somehow was able to get ahead of my paycheck and am a paycheck ahead.  This will allow me to ensure all of my bills are paid on time (as per u…

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According to (I linked it for you lazy people), the word renovate means:

–verb (used with object)

  • to restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repair.

  • to reinvigorate; refresh; revive.

  • I'm sure if you asked any of my friends who are also ren-uh-veyt-ing, they'd co…

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    Zero Megapixels

    I didn't want to include this in my last post because it had nothing to do with the theme of war.  In my pile of goodies that Uncle brought over, I also inherited two cameras.  Not just ANY cameras though.

    I was given a Brownie Hawkeye Camera Hash Model!  I have NO clue how to work it, whether …

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    War in the eyes of Cecil Edwin Weir

    'Cec' as he was affectionately known was my Paternal Grandfather.  A well loved man who always greeted everyone with a smile and worked hard all his life.  Grandpa lived in Black Creek BC when I was growing up in a small rancher on a bit of land at the end of Oakes road.  For some time, my Aunt Cher…

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    Vent Blog. Vent Blog. Vent Blog.


    I'm sitting down to eat a bowl of pasta I made for yesterdays lunch.  It's burning my tongue and bound to give me heartburn because everything seems to give me heartburn lately.  Clayton had a bowl of it yesterday for a late dinner, he thanked me...went into the bedroom to eat it and then came bac…

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    My dining room is now a little store



    I've always been good about donating used clothing and household goods to charity and from my last move the Salvation Army really got a good lot from.  I was sick of moving and decided to donate a LOT of new stuff to charity just so I didn't have to move it lol.  Now seeing as how I am on Mater…

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    Vote for me!


    So I am bored and decided to google my name and ended up on some weird site so I searched 'entrants' and came up with a contest I entered for funny workplace stories.  I have 11 votes.  I want more!! I can't even remember what the prize is but you gotta help me win!

    Click here to vote for me!

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    Don't hurt my feelers

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when I offer [could be anything] to a friend or a family member (offer, without being asked) and I don't get a response.  Obviously this is usually by email or text.  At least have the decency to respond with a simple, 'thanks, but no thanks' if they are not intereste…

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    A gift for Hershey

    Hershey is our dog, in case you are wondering why a chocolate bar need a gift.


    Hershey is a 4 year old Lab/Sheppard cross SPCA puppy who Clayton adopted as a pup.  I've been his doggy Mom for almost 2 years now!  Since I've been on Maternity Leave, Hershey and I spend a *lot* of time together.  W…

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    9 blog posts